Software I Use and Recommend
- Alpine Linux - As small and simplistic as it gets.
- Arch Linux - Modern, minimal, a good package manager, well supported, and ran by hobbyists.
- Artix Linux - Arch without SystemD.
Base Software
- busybox - The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux.
- toybox - A rewrite of busybox with a focus on clean code.
- yash - A easy to customize, fast, yet minimal shell.
- tcc - A small fast C compiler that later became QEMU.
- lua - The most portable, embeddable, small, flexible, principled, 30K lines of C I’ve seen.
- kdl - A human friendly documentation language.
- groff - A implementation of troff macros for making papers and such without LaTeX (or even worse; LibreOffice).
- graphviz - A simple graphing software that can be used for making UML diagrams, dependency chain maps, etc.]
- howard-bc - A fully GNU compatible bc implementation, with an inbuilt bignum library.
- wak - A awk implementation in 4500 SLOC of no dependency C.
- pandoc - An universal document converter
- musl - A minimal standard C library implementation that’s much more flexible than glibc.
- netbsd-curses - A implementation of ncurses that’s much smaller and less bloated.
Other Command Line Software
- hugo - Extensible static site generator based on templates.
- iamb - Vim Like matrix client with sixel image support.
- pass - A simple password manager written in bash.
- pv - Pipe viewer, view the data output of a pipe.
- sc-im - A simple spreadsheet and CSV editor.
- sunwait - Get the Sunrise and Sunset times
- tmux - Terminal Multiplexer, provides tabbing and session management inside the terminal.
- vis - Minimal yet extensible vi clone based on structural regex’s.
- earlyoom - Since the kernel can’t do its own job.
Xorg Programs
- dmenu - General purpose select menu.
- dwm - Dynamic Widow Manager.
- i3wm - Small window manager with different layouts and customization ability.
- nsxiv - Image viewer with gifs, scripting, and grid mode support.
- st - Simple terminal, does its job with as small a footprint as possible.
- xwallpaper - Simple wallpaper setter.
Wayland Programs
- sway - A fork of i3wm for wayland, integrates tasks that xrandr and xwallpaper would normally do into the window manager.
- foot - Foo Terminal, Minimal Wayland Terminal.
- swiv - A fork of SXIV for wayland.
- waybar - A highly extensible wayland bar.
General Purpose GUI Programs
- dunst - Minimal notification manager and daemon.
- drawing - Image editor with a simple UI, the MS paint of Linux.
- mpv - Minimal extensible media player.
- zathura - Vim-like document reader for PDF and other formats.
- dillo - A retro-style low footprint, although less than functional, browser with gemini and gopher support.
- ludo - A minimalist, sleek, painless retroarch alternative.
- i3blocks - Shell script based bar generator for i3wm’s bar.
Web Apps
- ironcalc - An open source alternative to google docs
- OpenStreetMap - An open source alternative to google maps